Several weeks ago I showed you I had bought a bunch of new patterns. This month I decided this is the pattern I'm going to work on as part of my sew 1 garment a month goal. McCalls M6515.
My wardrobe really needs some dress pants. I really have none that fit me right now, so I picked this pattern to work on. I'm between sizes on the chart, so I plan to start by making a muslin. Once that's done, I'll have to pick some fabric, as I don't currently have anything in my stash that would be business appropriate. I'm thinking maybe some Black Gabardine. Anybody wish to do a sew a-long?
On another note, this week I'll be starting an advanced pattern making class at the fashion school. Hopefully I'll learn to make my own pants patterns for the future. I haven't yet attempted to make my own sloper, but the instructions in this Textbook:
Pattern Making for Fashion Design - 5th Edition- by Helen Joseph-Armstrong are pretty good for creating designs of your own.
Post below and let me know what you're working on sewing this month. I'm starting to look for some ideas for February.