Monday, August 29, 2016

New Projects

In the painting and sewing world I'm sure we all have a "dead" zone. You know the projects that are just sitting there waiting to be completed. They pile up fast due to boredom, needing more time, space, supplies, or just life. It happens. The pile up at my house is starting to grate on me though, so I'm devising a plan to get some of my old projects completed.

For Painting:
First, while I plan to continue my membership with the Decorative Painting Society and my local chapters, I'm going to be very choosy on any new projects they offer. What I mean by that is I'm going to only choose items that I really want to do, not just for the sake of doing them for my portfolio.
Second, one of the requirements I plan to require of myself is, it has to be a project that can be completed in a timely manner (90% during the class not including prep time) and when it is finished have a plan for it.... ie "gift" it away.
Third, set aside a few hours per week to just paint and complete some of my older projects. For me this time period will be on one day per week. Wednesday sounds good. Yep, Wednesdays.

Here's a recent project I completed:

This lovely little galvanized watering can was purchased at Ikea. Pattern from Gigi Wright "Sitting Pretty" in The Decorative Painter Issue No. 2, 2013.

For Sewing: 
My biggest problem for sewing is space. I cut my patterns on my self healing mat on the floor. Sad. I've done it at the dining table, but I'm tired of the table always looking cluttered. I've got some space scoped out I could do it in, if I could get rid of a z-rack of wedding dresses. Time for some deep discounting.  In the meantime, the dining table may have to do.
Seriously, I'd love to be sewing a bit everyday. Actual sewing. Prepping patterns and cutting are the bane of my sewing existence. A necessary evil I guess. That in mind, my plan is to spend at least an hour a day, four days a week just working on sewing and design. Most likely it will be more often, as I'm hoping to make this a future source of income. (My own designs of course!)

Here's a project finished for my little niece, P.J. It's completely lined!!!! <3 <3 <3
Pattern Butterick 3762

Friday, April 15, 2016


MdDS is a curious thing. A full blown episode can completely debilitate you. Don't get me wrong, there are good days and bad. Hours that are okay and some that just are not. This past episode again lasted about 5 months. I'm happy to report I'm in remission again, but its not what you think. Let me explain....Just because I'm in remission doesn't mean that I feel "normal". There are still days I feel unbalanced. It isn't rocking or swaying, but little moments that I feel a kind of heaviness in my head, a moment of unbalance, or forgetfulness. These seem more apparent when confronted with stress and sometimes even the weather can affect it. Overall though there is no rocking, swaying, or bobbing. This is a good thing.

Now the question.... How? How did I go back into remission again? Well to be honest I think it maybe a combination of things. First, I quit my job. Yes, this was the biggest stress in my life. I know not everyone can just do this. Fortunately I have a wonderful husband who has made it work. Now I haven't completely given up working, but I'm concentrating on my hobbies and creating "some" income. "Some" is in quotes because it is very irregular and not anywhere near what I was bringing in to our family. Someday I hope it will blossom into much more.

Second, I started taking more supplements and eating more whole foods, less grains and sugars. Specifically, I take 6000-8000 iUs of vitamin D3 per day, 200-600mg of chelated Magnesium glycinate, a vitamin B complex sublingual, and a multivitamin. Also, I started juicing a few times per week. Ah, the benefits of Kale and Spinach! Now I know what you are thinking.... that's a lot of Magnesium!!! Yes, it can be, hence the range. Back off when the need arises. Also, taking it at night seems to help with sleep and cramping muscles.

Third, Chiropractic Care. Twice a month, now once a month, I see my chiropractor Dr. B. This man has helped me more than any other healthcare professional! He's offered ideas and suggestions to help me cope and reset my body. As long as I listen and follow it has seemed to help. The adjustments aren't too bad either.... haha! Seriously, Dr. B is kind, concerned, and really cares about his patients.

Lastly, but most importantly, Exercise! Walking, even if its for a few minutes a day outside. Stretch! Everyday, as soon as you get up, or take a class that focuses specifically on stretching. I'm not afraid to admit  I did this and it was mainly with a Seniors group, but hey, whatever helps!!! Gardening is great exercise. Specifically I exercise Organic Gardening.  I could spend 15 minutes to several hours several times a week doing this. I think this helps with balance and vision. Looking at things near and far. Plus, getting your hands dirty is actually healthy!!! The best part is I get to eat what I grow, and I know what's going into my body! Check out some of the pictures of my square foot gardens under the "Gardening Adventures" tab!!! Seriously though, anything that gets you moving and using your eyes and brain together helps. There are some studies that say MdDS is related to the  Vestibulo-Ocular reflex (VOR).  Readaptation of the Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex Relieves the Mal De Debarquement Syndrome
Dizziness and Balance  and New Treatment Successful for Rare and Disabling Movement Disorder, the Mal de Debarquement Syndrome (MdDS)

MdDS, I pray you stay away for good this time! For other sufferers out there, I pray you will have relief, and we will all have a permanent cure/treatment soon! 

Friday, March 11, 2016

What's in the Garden March 2016

 Winter is finally just about over, but it's already spring here in Texas. Our raised beds will hopefully be completely filled out and productive this year! Currently we are in Zone 8b. Here are a few pictures of what we have going on in our raised beds. 

This Lavender was planted last summer. Now it is starting to bloom!

These Cabbages I started from seed in January... Nice heads. Also planted some Romaine seeds. Both were started indoors. Supposedly Romaine doesn't do well in Texas, but this is looking super! The back of the bed are some Curly Kale bought as transplants from my local organic gardening nursery.
These Cabbages were transplants. They are healthy, but not as big as the ones I started from seed myself.  The little green plant next to the Cabbage on the left is Oregano. In the back is Dinosaur Kale, also from transplants... those are doing well, and have already been harvested a few times this year. The seedlings in the front of the bed are Kentucky Wonder Pole Beans I planted about 2 weeks ago. I also planted some French Filet Bush Beans to the left of the bamboo stick, but they still haven't popped up.
This bed has some Red Cabbage, bought as transplants, along with some Turnips, Mustard Greens, and Broccoli. The Broccoli will have to come out. It didn't produce and its already getting to warm to do anything. On the left are a few Onions and the seedlings in the front of the box and behind the Onions are Beets (Ruby Queen, I think). The beets in the front were started mid February, and the ones behind the Onions about 2 weeks after.
These two Green Globe Artichoke Crown transplants have really started to take off!!! I positively love Artichokes, so I'm hoping they will be good producers. To the right of these are a few Lavender Plants. No blooms on these yet though.
Here are a few Texas Sweet Onions, bought from the nursery.  A few didn't make it, but overall I'm pleased with the results. This bed also has a Sage plant on the front left and a Dill just behind it.

Here are a few Garlic bulbs I planted, courtesy of HEB! The rest of this bed is empty for now, but hopefully next week will have a few Roma Tomato Plants in it as well.
Just some lonely Leeks... these will be the last in this bed. We are changing its location!  The bed behind it unfortunately is full of weeds and falling apart after several good years of use, so it will be going to the burn pile.