Winter is finally just about over, but it's already spring here in Texas. Our raised beds will hopefully be completely filled out and productive this year! Currently we are in Zone 8b. Here are a few pictures of what we have going on in our raised beds.
This Lavender was planted last summer. Now it is starting to bloom!
These Cabbages I started from seed in January... Nice heads. Also planted some Romaine seeds. Both were started indoors. Supposedly Romaine doesn't do well in Texas, but this is looking super! The back of the bed are some Curly Kale bought as transplants from my local organic gardening nursery.
These Cabbages were transplants. They are healthy, but not as big as the ones I started from seed myself. The little green plant next to the Cabbage on the left is Oregano. In the back is Dinosaur Kale, also from transplants... those are doing well, and have already been harvested a few times this year. The seedlings in the front of the bed are Kentucky Wonder Pole Beans I planted about 2 weeks ago. I also planted some French Filet Bush Beans to the left of the bamboo stick, but they still haven't popped up.
This bed has some Red Cabbage, bought as transplants, along with some Turnips, Mustard Greens, and Broccoli. The Broccoli will have to come out. It didn't produce and its already getting to warm to do anything. On the left are a few Onions and the seedlings in the front of the box and behind the Onions are Beets (Ruby Queen, I think). The beets in the front were started mid February, and the ones behind the Onions about 2 weeks after.
These two Green Globe Artichoke Crown transplants have really started to take off!!! I positively love Artichokes, so I'm hoping they will be good producers. To the right of these are a few Lavender Plants. No blooms on these yet though.
Here are a few Texas Sweet Onions, bought from the nursery. A few didn't make it, but overall I'm pleased with the results. This bed also has a Sage plant on the front left and a Dill just behind it.
Here are a few Garlic bulbs I planted, courtesy of HEB! The rest of this bed is empty for now, but hopefully next week will have a few Roma Tomato Plants in it as well. Just some lonely Leeks... these will be the last in this bed. We are changing its location! The bed behind it unfortunately is full of weeds and falling apart after several good years of use, so it will be going to the burn pile.