MdDS is a curious thing. A full blown episode can completely debilitate you. Don't get me wrong, there are good days and bad. Hours that are okay and some that just are not. This past episode again lasted about 5 months. I'm happy to report I'm in remission again, but its not what you think. Let me explain....Just because I'm in remission doesn't mean that I feel "normal". There are still days I feel unbalanced. It isn't rocking or swaying, but little moments that I feel a kind of heaviness in my head, a moment of unbalance, or forgetfulness. These seem more apparent when confronted with stress and sometimes even the weather can affect it. Overall though there is no rocking, swaying, or bobbing. This is a good thing.
Now the question.... How? How did I go back into remission again? Well to be honest I think it maybe a combination of things. First, I quit my job. Yes, this was the biggest stress in my life. I know not everyone can just do this. Fortunately I have a wonderful husband who has made it work. Now I haven't completely given up working, but I'm concentrating on my hobbies and creating "some" income. "Some" is in quotes because it is very irregular and not anywhere near what I was bringing in to our family. Someday I hope it will blossom into much more.
Second, I started taking more supplements and eating more whole foods, less grains and sugars. Specifically, I take 6000-8000 iUs of vitamin D3 per day, 200-600mg of chelated Magnesium glycinate, a vitamin B complex sublingual, and a multivitamin. Also, I started juicing a few times per week. Ah, the benefits of Kale and Spinach! Now I know what you are thinking.... that's a lot of Magnesium!!! Yes, it can be, hence the range. Back off when the need arises. Also, taking it at night seems to help with sleep and cramping muscles.
Third, Chiropractic Care. Twice a month, now once a month, I see my chiropractor Dr. B. This man has helped me more than any other healthcare professional! He's offered ideas and suggestions to help me cope and reset my body. As long as I listen and follow it has seemed to help. The adjustments aren't too bad either.... haha! Seriously, Dr. B is kind, concerned, and really cares about his patients.
Lastly, but most importantly, Exercise! Walking, even if its for a few minutes a day outside. Stretch! Everyday, as soon as you get up, or take a class that focuses specifically on stretching. I'm not afraid to admit I did this and it was mainly with a Seniors group, but hey, whatever helps!!! Gardening is great exercise. Specifically I exercise Organic Gardening. I could spend 15 minutes to several hours several times a week doing this. I think this helps with balance and vision. Looking at things near and far. Plus, getting your hands dirty is actually healthy!!! The best part is I get to eat what I grow, and I know what's going into my body! Check out some of the pictures of my square foot gardens under the "Gardening Adventures" tab!!! Seriously though, anything that gets you moving and using your eyes and brain together helps. There are some studies that say MdDS is related to the Vestibulo-Ocular reflex (VOR). Readaptation of the Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex Relieves the Mal De Debarquement Syndrome
Dizziness and Balance and New Treatment Successful for Rare and Disabling Movement Disorder, the Mal de Debarquement Syndrome (MdDS)
MdDS, I pray you stay away for good this time! For other sufferers out there, I pray you will have relief, and we will all have a permanent cure/treatment soon!