So I've been following the Primal Blueprint diet for a month now. All things considered I feel pretty good. I've lost a few pounds, and I'm hoping my former self will re-appear soon. I feel the MdDS is lessened somewhat. This past Sunday I hardly noticed it at all. Monday back at work however was a different story... Too much time in front of a computer. At least my concentration isn't as bad as it was when this all started. I still have bouts of feeling like I have ADD...haha.
I've been working on some of the exercises the Physical Therapist gave me. I can balance on one leg with my eyes closed for longer than 4 seconds now, but I'm still pretty wobbly. Using just one of my fingers on the counter makes a huge difference. The pulling sensation I was always feeling is just about gone. I often still feel like I'm sliding off the bed when I go to bed at night though. I also haven't done the acupuncture in almost a month. I'm debating if I should give that another go around. I felt it was helping somewhat at the beginning, then it seemed that very little was changing for a while. Sunday really was my big break through... I really barely noticed any symptoms at all. It was a close to normal as I've felt in months!
I'm planning to continue the Primal diet, and thinking of having my hormones checked. I've been doing some research on it, and a saliva test seems to be the way to go because that checks for active progesterone, rather than overall progesterone. We'll see. Nobody knows if that even has anything to do with MdDS for sure, but the fact that its mostly women who get this, it seems the most plausible. At any rate, I figure if I get my body balanced out, maybe my brain will balance out, and the MdDS will self correct. Still researching.........
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